Jesus to the Rescue!

One of the ‘hats’ I wear in daily life is that of a caregiver.  My husband and I have been caregivers to his mother for many years…16 years, to be exact, to some extent or another.  As the years have passed, our level of responsibility has increased.  I praise God for the home health nurses (one of whom is a dear friend) and workers that have helped us with those responsibilities.   I don’t know what I would do without them.

Last year, we finally decided it was time to get my mother-in-law one of those emergency call systems that consist of a button worn on a bracelet or necklace so she could call for help if she needed it.   She has fallen several times, and this system has already saved her once when she fell and we were all in bed.  Since she lives in a basement apartment, we didn’t know anything was going on until they called to inform us she had fallen.

Last summer, our youngest son (7 years old) went downstairs.  My mother-in-law had taken the bracelet off and left it on her counter.  Being the button-pushing young man he is, of course, he had to see what happened when he pushed it, since nobody was standing right next to him.  When he did, a man’s voice immediately began calling, “Ms. Hampton?  Ms. Hampton?  Are you OK?    Do you need help?  Ms. Hampton?!?!”   It startled him, and he took off running upstairs.  He met our youngest daughter (then 5 years old) about halfway up the steps.  When he saw her, he immediately proceeded to tell her, “Grace, never, NEVER, push Granny’s button!”  She asked him why, and his response was, “Because JESUS will talk to you!!!”

When he pushed the button and heard the voice, in his mind, Jesus was trying to see if something was wrong with his granny, and if she needed help.  If something was wrong, Isaiah believed He was coming to rescue her.  After all, there was a voice, and nobody standing there to go with it!

The disciples got into the same situation in Matthew 14.  John the Baptist had just been beheaded, and Jesus separated Himself from the people.  But, the multitude followed Him to where He was.  The Bible tells us the He had compassion on them, and began to heal the sick.  As evening approached, they had no food.  This is when Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

After the extra food had been gathered, Jesus told His disciples to get into a boat, and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee while He sent the crowds away.  After everyone was gone, Jesus pulled away to pray.

When He started to go to the disciples, the ship was being tossed on the sea.  The Sea of Galilee is in hilly country, and the sea can go from calm and peaceful to violent very quickly.  The winds funnel through the hills and stir up the water.  The sea has been deadly to many fishermen through the years because of how quickly the waters can change.   Jesus began to approach them, walking on the water.  Imagine seeing someone coming to you, walking on the water!  But, not only that; It was the fourth watch of the night (which would be between 3:00 and 6:00 AM) during a strong wind.  No wonder the disciples were afraid!

Matthew 14:28   And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

29 And he said, Come.   And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30  But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

31  And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Peter had to take the first step out of the boat if he was going to be able to walk on the water.  When he started walking, the wind was violent, and the sea was raging.  But, still he walked.  When fear began to overtake him because of the wind, he began to sink.  Jesus immediately gave his hand to Peter, and helped him back up.

There are so many times in life when it seems we can no longer go on.  Things get so overwhelming and we allow fear to have its way in our lives.  The winds seem to take every bit of strength we have.  But sometimes the boat is not the safest place to be.  We can put too much trust in our boat for safety, when Jesus is our only safety.   At times, we’re meant to step out of the boat and walk forward, trusting only in Christ.  When Peter asked if he could do it, Jesus said only one word…Come.  Is God asking you to leave your boat?  You know, the one you thought you were so safe in?  Is there something He’s calling you to do, but everything seems to be coming against you?

All He asks is that you take that first step of faith, and come to Him.  Simply come to Him…no formulas and no preconceived notions…just come.  Even if fear takes over, and you begin to sink, He stands ready, reaching out His hand to be your rescuer.